For several weeks I have been asking my husband to get my mower tuned up and ready for another year. For several weeks my husband has been gearing up to plant corn {and is currently planting corn}. I usually do
all 95% of the mowing at home at. Our yard is rather large and then I also mow around our corrals, grain bins, barn, garage, hog shed, and the rows of trees that form our wind break. Needless to say I am very thankful to have a riding lawn mower because it takes half a day to mow everything with the rider.
For several weeks now my mower is still sitting there staring at me with a sad face. It is ready to get to work, but has a flat tire and just needs a little "spa" treatment to get its motor running. Each day it sits there and each day the grass gets taller.......sigh!!! I have been reminding my husband everyday to get the mower going {because he forgets.....everyday}. I am not sure when "reminding" turns into "nagging", but I am sure I am getting close.
So my friend and neighbor happens to have one of these.
This here folks is an Earthwise 36 volt electric lawn mower. It takes no
$4 a gallon gas.....none!!! You simply charge the battery and mow. My friend was kind enough {because she understands when husbands don't do their honey-do lists} to let me borrow it.
I only mowed the grass around the house {and remember I have a large yard} because that is what needed it the most. The mower did quite well and you have the option to bag, mulch, or shoot the grass out the side {is there a fancy term for that}. I decided to bag the grass since it was tall. The mower didn't seem to bog down too bad at all. I could tell it was
pulling down on the motor draining the battery in the REALLY tall grass, but still did a great job. I mowed for about 2 hours and still had battery left. Another great feature is there is no cord to yank on {and throw your back out} to get it started. Simply push the button and squeeze the handle and you are off and mowing. Overall I think this is a great mower!
If you are interested in this mower {like I am} you can check it out here. think I
need want an electric mower now. Since I do not have a small mower to get up close to the house and in all the nooks and crannies I think this could be a great option for me. I wouldn't have to wait on the hubs to get my rider tuned up either. Plus, it is safe enough for the kids to operate {and it could cut me down to only having to do 80% of the yard work} because it shuts off instantly when you let go of the handle. I NEED ONE!!!
I will still remind my husband
EVERYDAY that he
STILL needs to get my riding mower going though!!!!!!
The Farmer's Wife