Meet Herbie Husker Garden....
I found this container at a local retail store for $10 {on sale}. It has 4 pails that are connected together and has a handle which makes it easy to move around. Herbie is sporting oregano, cilantro, parsley, and dill. Doesn't he look stunning!!!!! He adds a little "life" to my kitchen too!!!
Here is the cute little wood handle nestled in amongst all the herbs. Should I paint the handle Husker red??????
I have never grown herbs, but I am looking forward to cooking with fresh flavorful herbs. I also plan to dry the oregano and dill. I am not sure if I will dry the cilantro and parsley. I have read that parsley and cilantro will mold fast because they contain quite a bit of moisture {but I am new to what do I know}. Any greenthumbs out there have any advice on drying herbs?
The Farmer's Wife