Bracelet Winner Announced

What did you all think of Beth Grove's Jewelry & Crafts???  She is one creative lady and GUESS WHAT????.....she has offered another one of her creations for a future giveaway!!  Thanks Beth!!!  I think 250 "Likes" on The Farmer's Wife Facebook page or 150 on the blog will be the next milestone.  Be sure to tell your friends about The Farmer's Wife so I can give another item away!!!

Now for the winner...... {drumroll please}

The winner of the bracelet from Beth Grove's Jewelry & Crafts goes to comment #41 Cee, "follow you on FB! I'm your 162 "like." :)"  Congratulations Cee, please contact me with your mailing info and I will get your new cuff bracelet mailed to you!!

Thanks to all who entered and I look forward to the NEXT giveaway....Now go tell your friends about The Farmer's Wife so I can give away Beth's great is super dooper cute!!!!

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