Pioneer Woman Cookbook Giveaway

Woohoo, 100 FANTASTIC followers are keeping up with The Farmer's Wife!!!  I have been waiting {like biting my fingernails off kind of waiting} for this milestone to do a giveaway!!!  You all love giveaways, right?  I will tell you how to enter to win the fabulous Pioneer Woman Cookbook after I get done rambling on...ha!!

I have been so busy the past couple weeks, but have thoroughly enjoyed what has been keeping me that way.  I have been behind the lens of my camera capturing some timeless photos.  No, I am not a professional photographer.  I am a girl with a camera, teaching myself how to use it.  Although, I would love to take a class someday.

  My friends daughter got married and I took their wedding photos!  It was a beautiful wedding with so many creative ideas and a very artistic couple.  I took their engagement photos as well, so I had a feel for their personalities.  I loved that they wanted some nontraditional shots.  It was so much fun and I hope to share some of the pictures with you soon.

I got a call Wednesday from a friend who wanted some photos of her beautiful children.  I spent Thursday morning behind my camera capturing some cute kiddos.  To top off the week, I took some senior pictures bright and early Sunday morning in the wheat fields {since the combines are in full force we wanted to get some before the wheat was gone}.  Then tonight, I took survivor pictures for the Relay for Life.  Our county Relay for Life will be held next Friday and I will be taking photos for that too.  They are going to put me up in a bucket truck so I can take the photos from above.  I told my hubs that he better make sure they let me down or he won't have meals delivered to the field or clean underwear!!!

For not being a professional photographer, I sure have felt like one this week.  Not only have I spent a lot of time behind my camera, I have spent most of it behind the computer editing, editing, editing, and editing photographs.  Photoshop and I are bonding quite well this week.

On with the giveaway....

Because of you, my first-class readers I couldn't love blogging more.  Each comment I receive totally makes my day.  So keep those marvelous comments coming!!  To say THANK YOU I would love for you to have a chance at this giveaway.

The Pioneer Woman Cooks
Food From My Frontier Cookbook
{her latest cookbook in hardback}

There are several ways to enter:

1. You must follow The Farmer's Wife blog to enter.
  Leave a fabulous comment on this post letting me know you are a follower or a NEW follower for one chance to win.

2.  Follow me on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you follow me on Facebook for another chance to win.

3.  Share this post on your Facebook page.
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you shared the giveaway on your Facebook page for yet another chance to win.

4.  Do you have a blog?
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you shared this giveaway on your blog and you will have another chance to win.

That is 4 chances to win!!!

I will use to choose the winner next week.  You have until Thursday, June 21st at noon to enter.  Winner will be announced on Thursday as well.  Winner must contact me via email {under the contact me tab} and provide me a mailing address by June 30th or I will use to choose a new winner.  Be sure to check back to see if you won!  Winner will be announced in a new post.  Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. 


This giveaway is 100% sponsored by me.  The Pioneer Woman has no idea who I!!
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