My BABY is turning 5!!!

I can't believe that my baby will be 5 in a few weeks!!!  Time just goes to darn fast and my babies aren't babies anymore.  My son can't wait for February 13th to arrive so he will officially be FIVE!!!  He is still my baby....even if he is five!!

I wanted to start documenting my kids on their birthday so in years to come we can go back and see how they have changed.  I don't know why I didn't start this 13 years ago when my oldest daughter was born.  Anyhow, on with it from here on out.

When I "interviewed" my son this morning I was surprised to learn his favorite color is brown.  Usually, it is green or yellow {something about tractors...} and a BULL RIDER...this mama doesn't think so!!!!  When I asked him who his role model was he responded "what is a role model?".  I explained what a role model is and he had the perfect answer to the perfect role model....his Daddy..awe!!!

Such a handsome lil' guy!!!

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