Birthdays, Illness, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Backups

It has been awhile since I have been able to dedicate some time to the old blog.  This post does not involve any cooking, crafting, or cows.  Just when I think things will settle down around here.....well....that is what I get for thinking.  Life couldn't be any crazier, or at least that is how it feels.  Here is a little update of what has been happening on the farm.  I have been sick for 4 weeks now.  Today I am going to call it sinus infection {it seems to vary day to day}.  If someone would just drill into my head and relieve the pressure I would appreciate it.  

My middle daughter turned 10...YES...the double digits.  That is a big deal, just ask any 9 year old.!!! Her birthday falls right before Thanksgiving {she was actually due on Thanksgiving day}.  She shares her birthday with her Aunt which is another BIG deal.  She invited several friends over for her owl birthday party {insert picture of birthday party here that I haven't even downloaded off my camera yet....that is how far behind I am}. We played minute to win it games and had an absolute blast.  The other big hit of the birthday was suppose to be Just Dance 3, but due to a mess up with my order it didn't make it in time.  Nobody missed it....LOL!!!!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving {insert pictures of family fun here that I haven't downloaded off my camera yet}.  It was a gorgeous day spent with family.  We really do have so much to be thankful for!!!

My Grandma has been in the hospital for several weeks.  She is a diabetic and has had infection in her legs.  Unfortunately, she had to have both legs amputated above the knee.  This is not what she originally wanted, but she also told me she would like to be around for another five or six years.  She is currently in a rehabilitation hospital learning the ins and outs of her new body.  Thankfully she has had a lot of family around to help her through this time.  I would really like to go see her, but since I can't get over the "crud" completely I can't go see here.  My mom took 2 of my girls to go see her which I think brightened her day.

Usually my mom and I go Black Friday shopping, but given the situation with my Grandma it didn't work out for us to shop this year.  Frankly, I think my mom and I were both exhausted and didn't care about going.  I did shop online and I and got some amazing deals.  I am not sure I will ever Black Friday shop in stores again.  Plus, I got to stay home and watch the Huskers beat Iowa.  Speaking of the Huskers, I have heard a rumor that Carl Pelini is going to go be the head coach at FAU????  The Husker volleyball team whooped up on Jackson State tonight too.  Go HUSKERS!!!!

To keep things insanely busy around here our sewer decided to back up.  It is NEVER a good time for "it" to happen!!!!!  My hubs and I woke up and stepped out of bed on wet carpet.  After renting a machine to suck up the river flowing in our basement and having very little success, we decided to take the carpet and padding out of the basement and have a professional  cleaning and restoration service come in.  They will be here first thing in the morning.  After a couple days of the cleaning service running fans, dehumidifiers, and sanitizing the basement we should be ready for new carpet.  Talk about a MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love the movie Christmas Vacation and there is a scene in that movie that mimics this situation....LOL.

So that sums up a little bit of life here on the farm.  Hopefully, I will be back to cooking, crafting, and farm wife stuff very soon.  I'm too exhausted for all this other stuff.......

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