Randomness About Me

At some point I think every blogger gets to a point of writer's block.  I am not sure if that is the stage I am at right now, but I am going to go ahead and say it must be.  I also have to say I don't call myself a writer.  I am a girl who likes to babble about what is going on in my life.  I try to make it funny and entertaining for my readers.  I like to blog on what is happening on the farm, recipes, and projects.

 Lately, I haven't had time to finish any projects because it has been so terribly busy around here.  We are in the middle of corn harvest {which I need to get some pictures of and blog about...lol} and I don't know if I am coming or going.  I cook everyday, but I haven't taken the time to photograph any food.  Why?...because I am running behind!!!  Then there are the projects I am working on that I can't seem to finish.  I get started and the phone will ring and I have to leave to help move equipment or someone gets stuck in the mud from the almost 8 inches of rain we recently received and I have to go help get a tractor and another vehicle to take care of that situation.  Lately, it just seems like my day is full of interruptions so I don't take the time to work on my long list of projects knowing I will probably be "called out" any minute.

With all that being said I thought I would share some random things about myself.

I wanted to be an architect when I was young.

I have one brother and no sisters, but I have the best sister in laws in the entire world!!!!

I wanted to be a nurse when I was a little older.

I have natural curly hair that I have a love hate relationship with.

I can't sew very well.  Straight lines are about it.  My mom is an excellent sewer as is my mother in law.

I love a clean and organized house, but mine never seems to get ALL the way there.

I hate brussels sprouts, but love cabbage.


Sometimes I am a night person and sometimes I am a morning person.

I got married before I graduated High School.

Photography is my hobby.

My husband and I always wanted 6 kids, but stopped at 4.

I love reading comments from by blog readers.  It makes my day brighter!!!!

I am a Diet Dr. Pepper fanatic.

I believe in God!!!

I have never seen the ocean.

It is completely silent in my house right now.  The kids are at school and the TV is off!!!  Awww!!!

I love my husband and my kids more than anything.

My Grandpa always called me Toad.

My Dad is an Electrician and so was my Grandpa and my Great Grandpa.

When my oldest daughter was born she had 14 living grandparents.  Now she only has 5 :(

My youngest daughter was born on my Great Grandpa's birthday.  They are 103 years apart...he is in heaven.

I do not collect anything.

I love Mexican food.

I used to love shopping, but now I can't stand it.

I am a simple person.

I hate when people read too much into things and make a deal out of something that wasn't suppose to be a "deal".

I can't stand a dirty bathroom especially in a restaurant!!!  I think it is a sign of what their kitchen must look like.

I have a large mole on my foot.  My youngest daughter has one to match.

I have a sense of humor and sometimes do not realize other people don't....

I do not like to wear dresses that require pantyhose be worn with it.  So I guess I don't like pantyhose.

I love to eat cookie dough.

I have had the same cell phone number since I was 16.

I really really want 2 washing machines and 2 dryers.

I love to watch Husker football and volleyball.

I do not own an electric can opener.

I love Fall, Spring, Summer, and Winter...in that order.

I love that we have so many friends that we never have to travel a paved road to go visit.

I live an hour away from a Wal-Mart which I am going to go to when the kids get home.  I better make a list.  I don't go very often, but my daughter lost her glasses so we are going to the vision center to get her new ones.

I haven't at lunch yet, but I did deliver lunch to the field.

I wear sweaterpants {that is what my youngest daughter calls sweatpants} and t-shirts whenever I am home because they are so comfy.

I love newborns....yes, I am a baby hog.

My husband just called me and I have to go get parts.

See, that's what happens lately....interruptions, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

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