DIY Kitchen Remodel Progress

I must tell you these photos are not the greatest because I took them with my approximately 12:05AM....because that is when we get time to work on it.  That's how we roll!!!

After painting the gray on the walls we decided it was much too dark.  So we had to take matters into our own hands and mixed some white paint in with the gray paint.  We used the remaining gray paint and opened up the second gallon to find that the shade was MUCH lighter!!!  So, needless to say the paint mixer person must of messed up.  It is all good though, we repainted and it looks phenomenal with our "homemade" paint color.

Here is what it looks like now {if you can get past the horrible picture quality}.

Here is what it looked like before....very dark.

The countertops have been installed and the walls are ready for the backsplash.  If you follow me on Facebook you probably saw a sneak peek of the backsplash.

Another view of our much lighter shade of gray.

The next post will be the BIG REVEAL.  The flooring is in, the backsplash is done, and the hardware is going on the cabinets.  The plumber and electrician are coming this week and as soon as they are done I will show you the finished project.

The kitchen has not been the only project going on.  Remember, we are doing the whole house.  Here is a sneak peek at the before pictures of my niece's bedroom.  Lovely white walls.

And ugly green carpet.

Okay, okay....I won't leave you hanging.  Here is a look at what we have done in her room.

Why yes, that is BLACK!!!!!

Stay tuned for the kitchen reveal.  I can't wait to show you!!!

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