Cutie Patootie Pumpkin Winner Announced

Thank you to everyone for entering the Cutie Patootie Pumpkin Giveaway.  I love EVERYTHING that Beth makes.  Thank you Beth for the giveaway!!!!

Now, onto who won!!!  

The lucky winner is comment #6.
Nancy C. won with this comment:

If you have been following my blog for any amount of time you have probably met Nancy C here.  I will give you a bit of history of our friendship.  I initially met Nancy C. over the phone when she called me with questions about getting her VERY TALENTED...I'm not kidding this girl is AMAZING into our 4-H club.  You should see what this girl can make out of her own yarn that she spins {or whatever it is called when you make your own} that she gets from her sheep and then dyes.  AHHHHH MAZING!!!    She must get all that from her mom!!!  Anyhow, Nancy had called me again because they transplanted here to the sticks from the Omaha area and she didn't know people or what 30 minute drive to take to get!!!  We were talking about our favorite recipes, gardening, Starbucks, The Pioneer Woman, etc and I mentioned that I had this little ole blog that I post recipes on.  Nancy C. checked out my blog and has been following ever since.  Needless to say, our friendship has grown and I am so glad I know her!!!

Congrats Nancy!!!!
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