Getting My DIY On...

Wow, what a weekend we had around the farm.  We planned on branding our cattle on Saturday and we were threatened with severe weather warnings.  We woke up to fog, rain, low laying clouds, and tornado watches and warnings.  My hubs and I were torn as to whether to reschedule {which means I had enough food to feed an army that I had no idea what I would do with it} or not.  Plus, we are heading in to the planting season quite early and really needed to get the cattle worked so we could focus on the field work.  Thankfully, we lucked out and the rain stayed away until we were finished and we got it done {picture me doing a happy dance here}.  There was some tornado damage not too far from us though.  I will post some photos from our branding soon.  You can check out last years branding here.

I am so excited to bring you some DIY remodel projects.  We remodeled our house three years ago which was two years before I started blogging so I don't have any BIG DIY projects on my blog to show you, BUT soon I will.  I will be getting my hands on an entire house!!!

The house I will be working on is not ours.  My BIL and SIL live about three hours away from us.  However, they run cattle here.  They make the three hour trip often to check about the cattle and my BIL helps out on the farm.  My SIL works for the Post Office and our little town Post Office was going to close when the postmaster retired because there was nobody to take the job.  When I got wind of this I called my SIL to tell her.  She put a call in to the big wigs at the Post Office and within a matter of a few days she was able to be the replacement.  Since August my SIL has been living out of her suitcase and staying with us, my MIL, and my other SIL.  They have thought about buying a little house here for years and now with my SIL working in town they finally took the plunge and bought a second home.  It will be nice for them and my niece to have their own place when they are here.

The house is nothing fancy....yet!!!  Our big project is going to be the kitchen.  We have started on some of the demo and hopefully this week we will break out the paint brushes and start giving this little place a new adorable face lift.

Here are a few before pictures.  Notice the is G~O~N~E!!!!!

And that soffit is also G~O~N~E!!!!!!  Those lovely 4 inch tiles with a newborn baby poop yellow speck are also G~O~N~E!!!!

Another view of the wallpaper.  I am sure it was cool in the 90's!!!  We lucked out and the wallpaper peeled right off the wall.  It took all of ten minutes!!!  I hate removing wallpaper and was pleasantly surprised that it came off so easy.

Here is a sneak peak of the progress.  Check out the soffit!!  Underneath the wallpaper was some sort of paneling with a lovely avocado green and harvest gold accent.  Beautiful...ha!!

I was glad to see that hideous tile go.

   Stayed tuned for the transformation.

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