You Know You Are A Farmer's Wife When......

While cleaning house last night I came up with a top 10 plus 1 {that is 11....I'm so good at} list {someday to be a top 20 or 30 as I can continually come up with new thoughts to add} about being a farm wife.  Anyone who is in agriculture or has ever been around it will be able to relate!!!

So here goes.......

You know you are a farmer's wife when.......

* sign language takes on a whole new meaning.

* you can make the meal you prepared for 2 men stretch to feed 4 hungry men when your husband gives you 15 minutes warning that some extra help showed up.

* your bathtub is not only for children, but newborn baby calves.

* 5am is not considered the middle of the night, but time to get up.

* the guy at the parts counter knows you by your first name and not Mrs._____.

* you know the difference between a pickup and a truck.

* the most used app on your ipod is the weather radar.

* you can't sleep because it rained and you want to be the first to report your total rainfall on Facebook.

* you know exactly where to go by following directions like....go up yonder here and turn by the old Smith place and go north about a mile or so till you go past the old wood windmill and then you'll see a fence line with old boots on it........

* you can't go out for your birthday because it is time to drill wheat or go out for your anniversary because you are planting corn or take a summer vacation because you are putting up hay.

* supper time is anywhere from 6pm to midnight.

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