Adding a Signature to Your Blog

Since I am relatively new to this bloggin' thing I continue to stumble upon ways to improve my blog.  And since the temperature outside has reached the 100 plus mark I thought it would be a good day to stay inside and enjoy the a/c!!!!!!

So today I made a signature for my blog!!!!  It was really simple.

Here is how it works.

Go to 

1. Select Click here to start

2. Select which kind of signature you would like and click next step.

3. Make your font choice and click next step.

4. Choose your size and click next step.

5. Choose your background and text colors and click next step.

6. Select the slope and click next step.

7. Save your code somewhere (I saved it to my favorites).  Then click want to use this signature.

8.  Then click generate HTML code.  I used the first option.  Once you have your code copy it to use in your dashboard.

9.  Then go to your blogger dashboard and click settings, then choose formatting.

10.  Look for POST TEMPLATE BOX and paste your code and then save.  It will be there every time you post now.  That's it!!!!


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