Monday, the start of the work week. There is just something about Monday that you don't look forward too. I look forward to Friday all week and dread Monday the whole weekend. Today is Monday, but it is also the start of a new year. Does that make this Monday any better? I must confess that Monday is my scheduled day off so I always get to ease into the work week (whew)! I also have Thursdays off, but that really has nothing to do with Monday, but thought I would share. Anyhow, now that I have lined up at the feed bunk (see the last couple weeks for the holidays and ate more than my ration, it is now time to start the D word! I really hate to think about dieting, but it has got to be done!!!!!!! I also want to exercise! I get in a groove for about 2 weeks and then just quit! Sigh!! Plus, I am not going to have any clothes that fit if I keep on this ration!!!!!!
After a very trying year in 2010 I am really looking forward to a fresh start this year. With all that said, WELCOME 2011!!!!!!!! Bring it on!!!
The Farmer's Wife